Thursday, February 24, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     You mentioned earlier that she can be hard on herself. Many of her type do but this can be an easy target to address. My advice would be to make her feel alone. In order to get her to do to this create the doubt that no one would be friends to a type of person like her. This is, of course, untrue so you have to be sure that she never realizes this lie. And when she doesn’t it will trigger a comparison aspect causing her to be constantly belittling herself while looking up to those around her. If you can accomplish this then she will doubt her self worth, and that's exactly where you want her. Make her feel vulnerable to those around her by this looking up to. She will start to loathe herself and constantly comparing to those around her who she thinks are higher up than herself. That's the key. This, again, will be easy for her to get into but also she can find it easy to get out of. Make sure that she doesn't realize what is going on. We wouldn't want her to be thinking about where this comparison and self loathing is coming from, just that it is coming,

Affectionately yours