Saturday, July 2, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    You have reported that your creature has been experiencing a lot of frustrations and arguing. This is more like what we want to hear. You remember, or at least should, when we talked about contention so now use it. This annoyance, or any other negative feeling, will help her be led down. Getting angry at those around her is what we are aiming for. The larger problems are more simple, providing her with much more opportunity to be stirred in this anger. But even if it is a small thing we can use it to our advantage. The key is to have her always thinking about it and therefore making it worse. The creatures tend to make things worse when they dwell on them, and the best part is that they don't even realize this truth. With her thoughts lead constantly towards this the relationship will be destroyed. Oh how delicious is the thought of that. One less person to tear from her life means one less defense holding her up. Keep at it and we will have her,

Affectionately yours   

Monday, June 20, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     Word has it that your creature is going away for a while. This is very frightening indeed. Being on vacation tends to make the silly little creatures Happy, and that is not what we want. So I would suggest putting as many distractions in her way as possible. From a busy schedule to an annoying environment, we want her to complain. That's an easy way to get her mind off of the Pleasures and put it instead on the unimportant miseries. Don't let her just sit there and just enjoy the Nature. We want her to be upset about the bright sun's affect or the sound of bugs or any other ridiculous thing you can think of. It may seem more suddle but you should know by now that that is the way we do things,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    As she is stuck in her own little world the creature is slowly feeding herself a lie. She feels as if the big things are the only things that will help her become better. What a jest is that! As if running a marathon is the only way for her to become healthy! Now she is not looking for the real trouble. For, my learning nephew, it is the small and simple things, but we have already discussed that. So your plan now is to not let her see the small things that are affecting her life. We don't want her to congradulate herself or have Joy for the things she is doing right. Let her think that there is no process to get to the whole. That there is no line upon line, no step by step but instead seen as a leap and jump to each location on which she will soon fall short of and then become disappointed when she thinks that she is so far behind from everyone else,

Affectionately yours   

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     I must say, the creature is going in the right direction. Your human seems stuck in her own little world and can not find the exit, however plain it might be. She has put herself in her own little trap, for which you cannot take too much credit for. I guess that your casual style has had a slight affect, but really she is responsible for slowly dragged her miserable self closer to us. Oh how I delight in that,

Affectionately yours   

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     Your human seems to think that she is, how do they say it, stuck in a rut. I don't know if you have realized this but that is exactly how we want them to feel! Feed off of this before the phase ends! The creature is there for the taking and I fear that you are not taking advantage of the already vulnerable state she is in. Remember your job, bring her closer to us and farther from Him. If you can do that then we will allow you to move up in status. Don't disappoint me,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     I must apologize because of your lack to understand me. In my recent letters I have made it sound as if you have control of your human. However, this is not necessarily true. The creature has to let you in. We are not capable of it. Let me rephrase myself, we do have power and we can use it but they have to allow it to affect them. This does not mean that you stop fighting against them so do not make that an excuse,
Affectionately yours   

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    This new attack that you are trying to do is just what we are looking for. With the issue of weight, your creature has worried about for sometime. You should not have let her know that. You have given away the surprise of the attack, which I would say is one of the most important parts of the game. But do not fear, you can still have the upper hand of the insecurity. With this, make sure that she is always insecure. This could be coming in contact with constant comparisons of others around her, blurring her true self from the mirrors vision, or having her think that there needs to be some sort of change. We have made image everything and the creatures have caught on. They don't seem to realize what is really important, so do not mess that up,
Affectionately yours  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    Along with the recent insecurities I have mentioned, try to get her to feel alone. Your reports are saying that she is dwelling a great deal on this already so try not to force the subject too much. After all, slyness is a key characteristic that we try to teach. However, you can continue on this behavior by having her compare herself to those around her. This, as you should know, gives the creature the feeling that she has some sort of less Worth than they do, and therefore is not entitled with the great Pleasures that are there if she will but open her eyes. Your job, if nothing else, is to not let her see them! They seem to be flowing around the silly little creatures, giving us the hard job of hiding them. These great, what they call Blessing, are surrounding the humans as if they were truly Loved. Do not let them see this! We want her cowering in fear, not bask in in these awfully Wonderful things. That is how to make her feel alone, insecure, less worthy, and become ours,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    Another insecurity that you will want to attack is her need for being needed. This seems like a silly concept to you and to myself, but they like the feeling of being needed. It is sometimes mistaken for the feeling of being Loved. The humans often confuse the two; after all, being loved isn't as noticeable as being needed. With being needed they feel as if someone should always be recognizing them and always looking over them to make sure that the stupid little creature is doing well. See how preposterous it is? Whenever she feels like no one is noticing her, use that to confuse the little one so that she feels no one loves her. Since these two concepts are so easily confused with each other she can easily find herself lost in this web and feeling completely left out and unLoved. How brilliant,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    One insecurity that you should try to focus on, as you already have been, is what I like to call 'what ifs'. I'm sure you remember it from your studies but, knowing you, I'm also sure that there have been important aspects forgotten. This is a game of dreams and wishes in a never ending cycle of impossibilities. As you try to get your human to live in forgotten yesterdays and hopeless possibilities for the future remember that it is all for their downfall. This kind of dreamlike state is what we want all of these creatures to continually live in. Even though some argue that it is differently, it does not depend on the type of human you are dealing with. Any ability to be unhappy with their lives is an ability for us to become closer to them. Get her to let her mind wander into regrets of the past and wishes for the present. She will believe that it is simply a small thing but she will be slowly wandering towards us,

Affectionately yours    

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    When I heard of your recent attack I was almost amazed that you were the one to think of it. Bravo my dear pupil; I didn't know you had it in you. The thought that you are using her insecurities against her is exactly what I've been trying to teach you. Feed off of them; that's what they are for anyway. She will feel as if it is her own self fighting against her. Oh how brilliant! The thought of herself fighting against her own self is delicious to the taste. She will eventually feel as if it is too hard to go on, causing her to give up or give in. Keep on working on that and we will have her,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
   You have overlooked a very important detail nephew. You let your human have time to herself and partake of the Pleasure around her. This is very wrong indeed. We do not want her to be looking at the Lovely flowers or having time to Ponder. Instead she should be worrying about some unimportant task or looking at the boring gravel under her feet. Do you see what taking time to herself can cause? Pleasure. She will be reading, thinking, and walking among Pleasant things. Such things, like Sunshine and Happiness, have no use to us. They will bring her closer to Him. Focus on making her feel too busy, which she really isn't, or making her too stressed about those supposedly important things,

Affectionately yours    

Monday, April 4, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    Now that you have undergone your punishment, I hope you have learned a thing or two about what we do. As you can tell, your creature has been having a Wonderfully Uplifting time without your constant nagging. This can be fixed, however, with a game of priorities. Make your creature focus on the unnecessary things of the world. This would include stressing about a class project or about an outfit or about some boy who she thinks she likes. It may seem silly to you to think that such minuscule things could become important but they, for some reason, believe it. If you can make her feel that these unimportant things are actually the important things we can convince her priorities to mirror this as well.  If you can get her to believe this then she will be focusing on those things rather than the important ones. See how that leads her to us? Make sure that she doesn't take the time to reevaluate her priorities but instead just goes along with our selfish little plan of only having her think of herself and the unnecessary,

Affectionately yours   

Monday, March 28, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     Reports have it that you have let your creature slip through your grasp. Know that you will be penalized for this, no matter what the counter argument. We want them to cower from the thought of fear, making them scared to even move a finger. This fear is what drives them closer to us and farther from Him. How could you forget that?! Just to think, He is now providing her with such ridiculous things as Love, Belonging, and Courage. How distasteful! Yes you are to be punished indeed,

Affectionately yours  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
   As mentioned in my earlier letter, laziness is the pathway towards us. It sounds like you are succeeding but let me remind you that this aspect isn't completed with just the physical concepts. Instead you need to be worrying about the emotional laziness as well. Making her believe that she is content would be the best way to proceed. Becoming too comfortable with her current surroundings will make her think that she needs to relax, therefore becoming content and lazy. She will feel like there is no need to exceed and will stop looking for ways to do so. That's the key. Stop her from moving, doing, and being inclined to do so and then she will be blindly leading herself down to our level,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
    You briefly mentioned that the creature can get lazy sometimes. There's nothing brief about it, you should use it for our advantage. For some reason they think that work is bad and being lazy is a sort of vacation or break, and thanks to us that ideal is throughout their society. Help her to continue in this. If she doesn't go out there that means she's not doing anything. No action is the best way towards us. He doesn't want a slothful servant so that's exactly what we are trying to create,

Affectionately yours   

Monday, March 7, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
   I am afraid that you are trying too hard to get the big things in the way. What you want to do is start little. Put small things in her mind and convince her that they are fine. This can be as simple as a quick look over to us or telling a little-white lie that "doesn't really matter anyways". Then use those little things to grow bigger and closer to us. That's the way in. When they open the gate for these, what they call, small and simple things you can then create a downfall slope to trap her in. It's the small things, not the large, that gets them started down the slope. Besides, a little nudge isn't as noticeable as a shove,

Affectionately yours   

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     As you feed off of the lack of self esteem there is another important aspect that you need to remember, have her not be content with herself. This can be hard though. You don't want to push her too far or she might realize, and the trick is to not let her know. When she thinks highly of herself use that as a way to get her too proud, focusing always on herself and how much better her looks or manners are than those around her. But when she thinks lowly of herself get her to put herself down. This degrading concept is one that is very important to install. Don't let her think she is as good as the rest of them, let her wallow in it. Have her count the few mistakes rather than look to the positives. Make her think that these negatives are the most important and have her constantly dwelling on them, reminding her of what she is not,
Affectionately yours  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My dear nephew Downside,
     You mentioned earlier that she can be hard on herself. Many of her type do but this can be an easy target to address. My advice would be to make her feel alone. In order to get her to do to this create the doubt that no one would be friends to a type of person like her. This is, of course, untrue so you have to be sure that she never realizes this lie. And when she doesn’t it will trigger a comparison aspect causing her to be constantly belittling herself while looking up to those around her. If you can accomplish this then she will doubt her self worth, and that's exactly where you want her. Make her feel vulnerable to those around her by this looking up to. She will start to loathe herself and constantly comparing to those around her who she thinks are higher up than herself. That's the key. This, again, will be easy for her to get into but also she can find it easy to get out of. Make sure that she doesn't realize what is going on. We wouldn't want her to be thinking about where this comparison and self loathing is coming from, just that it is coming,

Affectionately yours